sábado, abril 19, 2014

The Book of the GOETIA of Solomon the King




the whole





Páginas: 98

Enochian Temples: Generating the "Abyss" Experience with the Temple

by Benjamin Rowe © 1987, 1992

WARNING: The technique described herein can be VERY DANGEROUS to the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of the magician who makes use of it. I am releasing it solely because full disclosure was one of the requirements under which the Enochian Temple system was originally given to me. The entities who provided the basic information feel that people can not grow to spiritual adulthood without being exposed to adult hazards. My experience of the results prevents me from being quite so
cold-blooded. The same goals can be accomplished by more gradual means, as those entities have stated themselves. The magician who choses to use this technique must take full personal responsibility for both the decision to do so, and for any events resulting from its use. Should a magician want use it despite this warning, he or she should do so only after constructing a strong, fully charged Temple which includes the altars of the sub-elements. And any invocations using this technique should be immediately preceded by the erection of the strongest wards the magician is capable of constructing.

sexta-feira, abril 18, 2014

Maskim Hul Babylonian Magick


This grimoire is dedicated to the seven malevolent Phantoms of the flames, the Seven Mas kim who are Ilu Limnu, Gods who embody rebellion and chaos. May the words within stir them continually from their abode in the heavens and dark earth, by the sea and the realm of the dead. Arise
Seven Spirits of the Deep Earth, whose voices resound in the heights. Thou who disturb order, begetting chaos find rule again. Thou malevolent gods, phantoms of the vast heavens, come thou forth to ignite our souls, our minds with the Black Flame.

By Michael W. Ford
Ano: 2010
Páginas: 456

quinta-feira, abril 17, 2014

About the Church of Lucifer

The Church of Lucifer has been in existence for over 20 years, and has been known by other names. The COL was founded by Rev. Robert Stills, 22nd American Generation of our tradition, whom ran the COL under the names of Order of the Archon, Temple of Shaitan and many others. It was then, when Rev. Frederick Nagash was studying under Rev. Stills. Later, Rev. Stills died of cancer, and had made Rev. Frederick Nagash, ordained 28th American Generation the High Priest of the Church of Lucifer. A few years later (1996), the Church of Lucifer was introduced to the internet. Rev. Frederick Nagash was ordained only a short time before he took over the COL. Rev. Frederick Nagash, trained by Rev. Robert Stills, has studied and mastered all forms
of magick. These include, but are not limited to, Enochian Magick, Luciferic Magick, Goetia, Hermetic, Necromantic, Chaos, Kabbalah and many other forms, too numerous to name here. In 1997, Rev. Frederick Nagash had found another apprentice to teach our traditional ways. That is when Rev. Satrinah Nagash had become his apprentice. Rev. Satrinah Nagash's studies prior to Rev. Frederick Nagash's training include: Tarot, Satanic Witchcraft, Herbal and Mineral Studies, Babylonian/Sumerian studies and Modern Satanism. She had decided that modern satanism was not the way to go and had talked to Rev. Frederick Nagash on several occasions through e-mail. That is when she took tutelage from Rev. Frederick Nagash. After six months, they were married and her intensive training had begun in all forms of magick. Currently, Rev. Satrinah Nagash is the 29th American Generation of our Tradition and is the High Priestess of the Church of Lucifer.
Though always interested in discovering hidden things, Rev. Xul first became actively interested in the occult at the age of 14. First exploring the LaVeyan branch of Modern Satanism, then moving on to more traditional forms such as Voodoun, folklore, and Shamanism, Maskim developed a firm foundation for his occult studies. At the age of 18, he discovered a section of the Left-Hand Path known as Luciferianism. The philosophical tenets were already in line with his own, and the spiritual aspect was very appealing. Maskim applied for membership in the Church of Lucifer and made his way up. On top of the Satanism and Luciferian studies, Maskim has also done extensive research

and ritual practice in the Sumerian, Norse, and Vampiric fields of the Left-Hand Path. Currently, the Church of Lucifer is run by the Order of the Quadragram. The Order of the Quadragram is a group of people, 3 women and 2 men, whom have a background in every facet of the Left Hand Path. All administrative duties are carried out by the Order of the Quadragam.

Abhidhamma Studies - Researches in Buddhist Psychology

By Nyanaponika Thera
Ano: 1949
Páginas: 198

quarta-feira, abril 16, 2014

The Mystical & Magical System of the A.'.A.'.

Love is the Law, love under Will.

The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley & George Cecil Jones Step-by-Step

By James A. Eshelman
Páginas: 300
Ano: 2000

Liber DCCCXI Energized Enthusiasm - A Note on Theurgy


I A O the supreme One of the Gnostics, the true God, is the Lord of this work. Let us therefore invoke Him by that name which the Companions of the Royal Arch blaspheme to aid us in the essay to declare the means which He has bestowed upon us!


The divine consciousness which is reflected and refracted in the works of Genius feeds upon a certain secretion, as I believe. This secretion is analogous to semen, but not identical with it. There are but few men and fewer women, those women being inevitably androgyne, who possess it at any time in any quantity.

So closely is this secretion connected with the sexual economy that it appears to me at times as if it might be a by-product of that process which generates semen. That some form of this doctrine has been generally accepted is shown in the prohibitions of all religions. Sanctity has been assumed to depend on chastity, and chastity has nearly always been interpreted as abstinence. But I doubt whether the relation is so simple as this would imply; for example, I find in myself that manifestations of mental creative force always concur with some abnormal condition of the physical powers of generation. But it is not the case that long periods of chastity, on the one hand, or excess of orgies, on the other, are favourable to its manifestation, or even to its formation.

A.'. A.'.
Páginas: 16