domingo, abril 13, 2014

A Complete Guide To The Seven-Fold Sinister Way (Order of Nine Angles)


The Seven-Fold Sinister Way is the name given to the system of training used by traditional Satanists. It is the practice of
Satanism, by individual Satanists, and thus expresses Satanism in action.
The Way is an individual one - each stage, of the seven stages that make the Way, is achieved by the individual as a
result of their own effort. To reach a particular stage, requires considerable effort by the individual, who works mostly on
their own.
One aim of the Way is to create Satanic individuals - that is, to train individuals in the ways of Satanism. This Satanic
training developes individual character, esoteric (or Occult) skills and self-insight. The individual also acquires genuine
esoteric knowledge and a genuine understanding.
The Way itself enables any individual to achieve genuine magickal Adeptship (and beyond) and thus fulfil the potential
latent within them - thus they can and do enhance their life, and achieve their unique Destiny.
The Way is essentially practical - involving experiences in the real world, and ordeals, as well as the completion of
difficult, challenging tasks. It also involves a practical mastery of all forms of magick. The Way requires a sincere and
genuine commitment, and it is both difficult and very dangerous. Success depends on this commitment by the individual.
The Way is divided into seven stages, and these mark a specific level of individual achievement. The stages are:
Neophyte; Initiate; External Adept; Internal Adept; Master of Temple/Mistress of Earth [ or "Lady Master"]; Grand
Master/Grand Mistress [ or "Grand Lady Master"]; Immortal. Sometimes, Initiates are described, or known, as "novices";
Internal Adepts as Priest/Priestess; a Grand Master as a Magus, and a Grand Mistress as a Magistra.
Each of these stages is associated with specific tasks, ordeals, rituals and so on, and a completion of each and all of these
(given in detail below under the appropriate stage) is required before the next stage can be attempted. Also, each stage
involves the individual in a certain amount of reading and study of Order manuscripts [ hereafter "manuscripts" is
abbreviated as MSS, and "manuscript" as MS ]. The purpose of this reading and study is to provide a Satanic
understanding of the tasks, ordeals, rituals and so on of the particular stage being attempted. Each stage represents a
development of and in the individual - of their personality, their skills, their understanding, their knowledge and insight.
Before embarking on the first stage - that of Satanic Initiation - the individual who desires to follow the dark path of
traditional Satanism should gain some understanding of what genuine Satanism is. To this end, the following Order MSS
should be read:
* Satanism - An Introduction For Prospective Adherents
* The Sinister Path: An Introduction to Traditional Satanism
* The Essence of the Sinister Path [ contained in Hostia - Secret Teachings of the ONA]
I Neophyte
The first task of a neophyte [the word means "a beginner; a new convert"] is to obtain copies of the various Order MSS
which will be needed. These are: (1) The Black Book of Satan - A Guide to Satanic Ceremonial Magick; (2) Naos - A
Guide to Becoming an Adept; and (3) Hostia - The Secret Teachings of the ONA (Volumes I & II). The following MSS
(contained in Hostia) should be particularly studied in order to gain an understanding of traditional Satanism and its
methods: (a) Selling Water By The River; (b) Satanism - The Sinister Shadow, Revealed; (c) Guide to Black Magick; (d)
Ritual Magick - Dure and Sedue Ceremonial. The neophyte also needs to understand the fundamental concepts of
magick, such as "causal" and "acausal" and here a study of the following Order MSS is useful: (a) Chapters 0 and I of
Naos; (b) Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction.
The second task of a neophyte is to undertake the "secret task" appropriate to this first stage. This task is a necessary
prelude to Satanic Initiation [ the task is detailed in the MS "The Secret Tasks of the Sinister Way", which is included as
an Appendix to this present work].
The third task of a neophyte is to undertake a ritual of Satanic Initiation. If you are in contact with a traditional Satanic
group, this can be a Ceremonial ritual. If you are working alone, or the group you are in contact with suggest it, it can be a Hermetic one of "Self-Initiation". Both of these rituals of Initiation are given in detail in the Order MS The Black Book
of Satan - A Guide to Satanic Ceremonial Magick. There is no difference between a Ceremonial Initiation, and a
Hermetic Self-Initiation.
The fourth and final task of this stage involves the new Satanic Initiate in constructing and learning to play, The Star
Game, details of which are given in the Order MS Naos.
II Initiate
1) Study the Septenary System in detail [Naos] and begin hermetic magickal workings with the septenary
spheres and pathways as described in Naos. Write a personal "magickal diary" about these workings.
Study and begin to use the Sinister Tarot [copies of the Sinister Tarot, and study notes, are available from
the ONA].
2) Undertake hermetic workings/rituals for specific personal desires/personal requests of your own
choosing, as described in Naos. Record these, and the results, if any, in your magickal diary.
3) Set yourself one very demanding physical goal, train and achieve or surpass that goal. [Examples of
minimum standards are, for men: walking thirty-two miles in less than seven hours in hilly terrain;
running twenty miles in hilly terrain in less than two and a half hours. Cycling one hundred miles in under
five and a half hours. For women, the acceptable minimum standards are: walking twenty-seven miles in
hilly terrain in less than seven hours; running twenty miles in hilly terrain in less than three hours; cycling
one hundred miles in under six and one quarter hours.]
4) Seek and find someone of the opposite sex to be your 'magickal' companion and sexual partner, and
introduce this person to Satanism. Initiate them according to the rite in The Black Book of Satan.
Undertake the path and sphere workings with this partner.
5) Obtain and study the Order MS The Temple of Satan [Part II of The Deofel Quartet]. A guide to this
MS is given in the MSS The Deofel Quartet - Responses and Critical Analysis; and The Deofel Quartet -
A Satanic Analysis. [Note: Part I of the Deofel Quartet - Falcifer, Lord of Darkness - is intended as
entertaining Satanic fiction.]
6) Undertake an 'Insight Role' [see the Secret Tasks MS and the MS Insight Roles - A Guide, in Hostia.]
This Insight Role is the Secret Task of this stage.
7) After completion of your Insight Role, undertake the Grade Ritual of External Adept, given in Naos.
The stage of Initiation can last - depending on the commitment of the Initiate - from six months to a year. Occasionally, it
lasts two years.
Understanding Initiation:
Satanic Initiation is the awakening of the darker/sinister/unconscious aspects of the psyche, and of the inner (often
repressed) and latent personality/character of the Initiate. It is also a personal commitment, by the Initiate, to the path of Satanism.
The dark, or sinister, energies which are used/unleashed are symbolized by the symbols/forms of the Septenary System,
and these symbols are used in the workings with the septenary spheres and pathways. These magickal workings provide
a controlled, ritualized, or willed, experience of these dark energies or "forces" - and this practical experience begins the
process of objectifying and understanding such energies, and thus these aspects of the psyche/personality of the Initiate.
The Star Game takes this process of objectification further, enabling a complete and rational understanding - divorced
from conventional "moral opposites".
The physical goal which an Initiate must achieve developes personal qualities such as determination, self-discipline, élan.
It enhances the vitality of the Initiate, and balances the inner magickal work.
The seeking and finding of a magickal companion begins the confrontation/understanding of the anima/animus (the female/male archetypes which exist in the psyche and beyond) in a practical way, and so increases self-understanding via
direct experience. It also enables further magickal work to be done, of a necessary type.
An Insight Role developes real Satanic character in the individual; it is a severe test of the resolve, Satanic commitment
and personality of the Initiate. The Grade Ritual which completes the stage of Initiation (and which leads to the next
stage) is a magickal act of synthesis.
III External Adept
1) Organize a magickal, and Satanic, group/magickal Temple. You must recruit members for this Satanic
Temple, and teach them about Satanism. With your companion (or another one if personal circumstances
have changed) you must Initiate these members according to the ceremonial ritual in The Black Book of
Satan as you must perform ceremonial rituals on a regular basis. In this Temple, you will be the officiating
Priest/Priestess, with your partner acting as the Priestess/Priest. Regular Sunedrions should be held, as
detailed in the Black Book of Satan, as you should regularly perform rituals, both hermetic and
ceremonial, for the satisfaction of your own desires and those of your members. You should run this
Temple for between six and eighteen months.
2) Train for and undertake all three of the following different and demanding physical tasks - the
minimum standards (for men) are:
(a) walking thirty-two miles, in hilly terrain, in under seven hours while carrying a pack
weighing at least 30 lbs.
(b) running twenty-six miles in four hours;
(c) cycling two hundred or more miles in twelve hours. [Those who have already achieved
such goals in such activities should set themselves more demanding goals. For women, the
minimum acceptable standards are: (a) walking twenty-seven miles in under seven hours
while carrying a pack weighing at least 15 lbs. (b) running twenty-six miles in four and a
half hours; (c) cycling one hundred and seventy miles in twelve hours.]
3) Undertake the 'Secret Task' as given in the Secret Tasks MS.
4) Study, construct and learn to play the advanced form of The Star Game.
5) Study Aeonics and the principles of Aeonic Magick, as detailed in Order MSS.
6) Study, and if possible practice, Esoteric Chant, as detailed in Order MSS [ particularly in Naos].
7) Study the esoteric traditions of traditional Satanism, and if so inclined [see 'Concerning The Satanic
Temple' below] instruct your Temple members in this tradition. The tradition is contained in The Black
Book of Satan; Naos; Hostia; The Deofel Quartet; Aeonic Magick and other Order MSS.
8) Prepare for, and undertake, the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept - if necessary choosing someone to run
the Satanic Temple in your absence.
Concerning The Satanic Temple:
The Temple must be run for a minimum of six months, as you yourself must seek out, recruit, instruct and train, the
members of this Temple. There must be at least four other members, excluding yourself and your companion, during
these six months, as you must strive to obtain an equal balance between men and women. It is at your discretion whether
or not you are honest about your intentions, and inform recruits/potential recruits that this Temple is one of your tasks as
an External Adept, and that you yourself are not yet very advanced along the Satanic path. If you choose not to so inform
your members, you must play the appropriate role. If you are considering keeping and expanding the Temple beyond the
minimum period and into the next stage, that of Internal Adept, it is more practical to be honest from the outset. The crux
is to decide whether you wish your Temple to be solely for your own External Adept purpose, or whether you want it be
truely Satanic, with your members guided by you to become sincere and practising Satanists. If this latter, then you must be honest with them about your own progress along the path, and instruct them according to ONA tradition.
After this six months is over - with four or more members and many ceremonial rituals having been performed - you may
disband the Temple, if you consider sufficient experience has been gained in magick/manipulation/pleasuring. However
the time limit of six months, and the minimum of four other members, must be observed, otherwise the task is not
completed, and the next stage - Internal Adept - is not possible. This particular task, of an External Adept, is only
complete when these minimum conditions have been met, for such conditions are essential for practical ceremonial
experience to be gained.
After these conditions have been met, you may opt to continue with, and expand, your Temple.
Understanding External Adept:
The tasks of an External Adept develope both magickal and personal experience, and from these a real, abiding, Satanic
character is formed in the individual. This character, and the understanding and skills which go with it, are the essential
foundations of the next stage, that of the Internal Adept.
The Temple enables various character roles to be directly assumed, and further developes the magickal skills, and
magickal understanding, an Adept must possess. Particularly important here is skill in, and understanding of, ceremonial
magick. Without this skill and understanding, Aeonic magick is not possible. The Temple also completes the
experiencing of confronting, and integrating, the anima/animus.
From the many and diverse controlled and willed experiences, a genuine self-learning arises: the beginnings of the
process of "individuation", of esoteric Adeptship. [ See the Order MS Adeptship - Its Real Meaning and Significance.]
The stage of External Adept lasts from two to six years.
IV Internal Adept
The basic task of an Internal Adept is to strive to fulfil their personal Destiny - that is, to presence the dark force by
acting Satanically in the real world, thus affecting others, and causing changes in accord with the sinister dialectic of
change. This personal Destiny is revealed, or becomes known, before or during the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept.
The Destiny is unique, and involves using the natural, and developed character and abilities of the individual. For some,
the Destiny may be to continue with their Satanic Temple, teaching others, and guiding them in their turn along the
Seven-Fold Way. For others, the Destiny may be creative, in the artistic or musical sense - presencing the sinister
through new, invented and performed forms or works. For others, the Destiny may be to acquire influence and/or power,
and using these to aid /produce Satanic change in accord with the sinister dialectic. For others, it may involve some
heretical/adversarial or directly revolutionary or disruptive role, and thus seeking to change society. For others, the
Destiny may be specific and specialized - being a warrior, or an assassin..... There are as many Destinies as there Adepts
to undertake them.
While this Destiny is unfolding, the Adept will be increasing their esoteric knowledge and experience through a study
and practice of Esoteric Chant, The Star Game, Aeonic Magick. Rites such as those of the Nine Angles will be
undertaken. A complete and reasoned understanding of Aeons, Civilizations and other forms will be achieved, and with it
the beginnings of wisdom.
After many years of striving to fulfil their Destiny, and after many years of experience and learning, the Adept will be
propelled toward the next stage of the Way [ see the MS Mastery - Its Real Meaning and Significance; and the MS The
Abyss where what occurs during Internal Adept is described.] When the time is right, the Grade Ritual of
Master/Mistress will be undertaken. The time is right only after the Adept has spent years completing themselves, and
their 'self-image', having taken themselves to and beyond their limits - physical, mental, intellectual, moral, emotional.
Being genuine Adepts, they will have the insight, and the honesty, to know what experiences, and what knowledge, they
lack - and accordingly will seek to undergo such experiences, and learn such knowledge.
The stage of Internal Adept lasts from five to eleven years.
V Master/Mistress
The fundamental tasks of this Grade are threefold:

 (1) The guiding of suitable individuals along the Seven-Fold Way, either on an individual basis, or as part
of a structured Temple/group;
(2) The performance of Aeonic Magick to aid the sinister dialectic;
(3) The creation of new forms to enhance conscious understanding and to aid the presencing of
acausal/sinister forces.
Further, and importantly, a Master/Mistress will be using their Aeonic understanding, and their skills to influence/bring
about changes in the societies of their time - this is Aeonic Magick, but without "ritual", as described in Parts III and IV
of The Deofel Quartet. They will also be working to create long-term change (of centuries or more).
Few individuals reach the stage of Master/Mistress - so far, only one to two individuals a century, out of all the genuine
esoteric traditions, have gone beyond the stage of Master/Mistress to that of Grand Master/Grand Mistress.
The stage of Master/Mistress lasts a minimum of seven years - when sufficient Aeonic works are completed/achieved,
and wisdom attained, there is a moving toward the next stage, that of Grand Master/Grand Mistress.
The Secret Tasks of the Sinister Way
The secret tasks have remained secret for a long time by virtue of their nature - they represent genuine Satanism in action
and as such often are "a-moral". Such esoteric tasks were revealed to an Initiate by the Master, or Adept, guiding and
training that Initiate.
To understand the nature of these tasks, it is necessary for the Satanic novice to be familiar, and in agreement with, the
secret teachings themselves, particularly as these relate to human sacrifice, or culling. [These teachings are contained in
such Order MSS as (1) The Hard Reality of Satanism; (2) Satanism, Sacrifice and Crime; (3) Culling - A Guide to
Sacrifice; (4) Guidelines for the Testing of Opfers; (5) Victims - A Sinister Expose; (6) The Practice of Evil in Context. ]
For a long time, the matters mentioned in the above secret MSS were transmitted only on an oral basis - it being
forbidden for such teachings and practices to be written down or divulged to non-Initiates. However, as explained
elsewhere, in several other MSS, this practice has now changed.
Accordingly, this present MS will detail the secret tasks which a Satanic novice must undertake as part of their
commitment to Satanism. That is, these hitherto secret tasks - like the other tasks detailed in the MS A Complete Guide
to the Seven-Fold Way - are both required and necessary: mandatory if progress is to be made upon the Way. Without
them, there can be no genuine achievement along the Way, for it is such tasks which develope that character and those
abilities which are Satanic and which thus represent the presencing of the dark forces on Earth via the agency (or vehicle)
of the individual Satanist. These secret tasks - and the other tasks - represent the way of Satan. They are Satanic. As such,
they a fitting only to a minority: to those who are, or those who desire to become, Satanists. Some who profess to be
'Satanists' - and some who wish to become Satanists - will hear of these tasks, or read them, and be surprised, perhaps
even appalled, particuarly by the tasks that involve hunting and killing animals and culling human dross. Such people
will say or write such things as "Such tasks are not necessary". By saying or writing such things such people condemn
themselves as "ordinary" and weak, as they will show they lack the demonic desire, the hardness, the toughness, the
darkness which all genuine Satanic novices possess or must develope. Satanism is at it is - dark, and dangerous, and full
of diabolic ecstasies and diabolic triumphs over the "ordinary", the mundane and those who would keep everyone in
servitude and thrall. So it is, so has it been, and so shall it continue to be - to enable evolution, to create what must be
created, while the fearful majorities in their sloth, delusions and ignorance continue their morbid, Nazarene-like, subhuman
As has been stated many times, genuine Satanism requires commitment - it requires self-effort, by the novice, over a
period of years. It involves genuine ordeals, the achievement of difficult goals, the participation in pleasures, and the
living of life in certain ways. Only thus are self-insight and genuine Occult ability born - only thus is a genuine Adept
Before Initiation - and after undertaking the first task of a neophyte as given in the Guide - undertake the following task:
* Find an area where game is plentiful and, equipping yourself with either a cross-bow or an ordinary bow (a longbow)
hunt/stalk some suitable game, and make a kill. Skin and prepare this game yourself (if necessary - for example, a
pheasant - 'hanging' the game until it is ready). When prepared and ready, cook and eat this game.
"Game" in this context means wild edible birds or animals such as venison, hare, rabbit, partridge, pheasant, wildfowl.
For this task, you are undertaking the role of hunter, using primitive weapons. (Guns cannot be used for this task.)
After completing this hunting task, either undertake the next task as given below - which is not obligatory - or repeat the
task above, choosing a different type of game.
* Obtain from a Nazarene place of worship some 'hosts' as used in their perverse and sordid rituals. If you are seeking
Initiation into an established ceremonial group/Temple, this will probably be your task of fidelity to that group/Temple,
with the hosts being used in the celebration of The Black Mass. If however you are undertaking a Self-Initiation (as
given in The Black Book of Satan) then immediately following that rite of Self-Initiation you should trample on or
otherwise defile these 'hosts' (e.g. by urinating on them) saying as you do so the following: "By this deed I pledge myself
to counter Nazarene filth, and give myself, body, blood and soul, to Satan, Prince of Darkness." You should then burn
the hosts or what remains of them by placing them in a vessel containing flammable liquid and setting this alight,
laughing as the burning seals your gesture and your oath.
After the rite or ceremony of your Initiation, and following the completion of the tasks as given in the Guide, you should
choose and undertake, for between six to eighteen months, an Insight Role [ see the MS Insight Roles - A Guide].
External Adept:
The following two tasks must both be undertaken successfully.
(1) With your Temple formed as one of your External Adept tasks - see the Guide - perform a Black Mass
using hosts obtained by one of the newer members of this Temple, or obtained by a candidate seeking
(2) Train several members, and yourself, in the undertaking of the tests relevant to choosing an opfer - a
human sacrifice. Select some suitable victims, using Satanic guidelines for so selecting a victim, and
undertake the relevant tests on each chosen victim. The victim or victims having been so chosen by failing
such tests, perform The Death Ritual with the intent of eliminating by magickal means the chosen victim
(s). Thereafter, and having completed all the necessary preparations, select a further victim using Aeonics
or sinister strategy as a guide, and undertake a culling by disposing of the victim either during a suitable
rite (e.g. The Ceremony of Recalling) or via practical means (e.g. assassination). You may elect to do this
practical means yourself, or you may choose a trusted suitable member of your Temple to undertake this
for the glory of the Temple. If you have elected for practical means, have your Temple undertake The
Death Ritual at the chosen time.
It must be stressed that (i) the victim(s) must be chosen according to Satanic principles as given in the appropriate Order
MSS; (ii) those so chosen must be tested according to Satanic principles as given in the appropriate Order MSS.
Furthermore, the victims can be chosen either by you, or suggested by a member of your Temple, if those members are
following the Satanic path in a committed way.
Beyond External Adept, there are no secret tasks of a prescribed nature, for those following the sinister path to undertake.
© Copyright 1994 eh Order of Nine Angles
Vindex Press, P.O. Box 5631194, Houston, Texas 77263.

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