quarta-feira, abril 16, 2014

A Note on Genesis From the Paper Written

By The 

V.H. FRA. I.A. 5 = 6 

A.·. A.·. Publication in Class C. 

Issued by Order: 



7° = 4 Square 



6° = 5 Square 



5° = 6 Square 



The following Essay is one of the most remarkable studies in the Hebrew Qabalah known to me. Its venerable author was an adept familiar with many systems of symbolism, and able to harmonise them for himself, even as now is accomplished for all men in the Book "777". In the year 1899 he was graciously pleased to receive me as his pupil, and, living in his house, I studied daily under his guidance the Holy Qabalah. Upon his withdrawal --- whether to enjoy his Earned Reward, or to perform the Work of the Brotherhood in other lands or planets matters nothing here --- he bequeathed to me a beautiful Garden, the like of which hath rarely been seen upon Earth. It has been my pious duty to collate and comment upon this arcane knowledge, long treasured in my heart, watered alike by my tears and my blood, and sunned by that all-glorious Ray that multiplieth itself into an Orb ineffable. In this Garden no flower was fairer than this exquisite discourse; I beg my readers to pluck it and lay it in their hearts. It should be studied in connection with the Book "777," and with the Sepher Sephiroth, a magical dictionary of pure {165} number which was begun by the author of this essay, carried on by myself,  and now about to be published as soon as the MS. can be prepared.

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