terça-feira, abril 15, 2014

A Paramhansa Yogananda Trilogy of Divine Love

"All too often we praise dead saints and persecute living ones."– Author unknown

Sri Durga Mata has given over 65 years of her life in loving service and obedience to her Guru. It
is with humbleness and gratitude, we her children are taking this opportunity, on the 100th anniversary 
of Paramhansa Yoganandaji's birth, to introduce her book to disciples everywhere. We sincerely hope 
you the reader will receive inspiration, guidance, and a large measure of the spiritual joy we received in 
printing it. The following is a spiritual journey with Durga Ma, her Guru, and his chief disciple, Rajasi 
Durga Mas life did not end when Master and Rajasi left this world, though she thought it would. 
Instead, her life took a new turn and over the next 35 years she became mother, counselor, friend, 
psychologist, and confidante, for Masters many disciples. For many years her phone was busy night 
and day, for those who needed physical, mental, and spiritual guidance. She has never turned away a 
sincere appeal for help, regardless of the persons race, religion, or gender. Her love is always there, her 
forgiveness is always there, all we have to do is ask. She would often say, "It doesn't matter how many 
times you fall, as long as you pick yourself up and start again."
Ma would say, "He always sends me the ones with the strong will, the rebels, the ones no one else 
can do anything with." I too was one of those rebels, whom Ma has, after many years, managed to 
Besides personal and group counseling, Ma became a master at many different art forms.
She used with great dexterity, watercolor, oil, and acrylics, which she liked the best. Over the years, 
she has composed and written many chants. A few appear in this book. She has sculpted beautiful 
statues of our Masters, of Rajasi (which Marjorie BenVau now has), of Master, and of the Beloved 
Mother, Sri Ananda Moyi Ma. Mas writings are unparalleled in their beauty and heartfelt devotion to 
Ma never liked to sew, it was tedious and time consuming, she felt, but she taught herself, and 
became a master tailor and seamstress.
No can hold a candle to Ma's cooking. She can take the blandest food, and with a little touch here, 
and a little touch there (her French touch), turn it into a gourmet's delight.
Now, at the end of the eleventh hour, when her life is fading, a child here cries once more, for the 
tender, loving arms of its mother to embrace and protect, to succor and love it as of old. She has 
promised that she, with Master, will always be there for us. All we have to do is call, "Ma, Ma," and she 
will be there to help us, to soothe us, sometimes to discipline and scold, and to lead us back home.
I love you, my Ma, now and forever more. Thou art mine, I am Thine.

– Joan Wight
Los Angeles
December 17,1992

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