quarta-feira, abril 16, 2014

A Treatise on Initiations: or, Asclepios

Translation by Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland


Hermes (Trismegistus explains):

"It is a God who hath brought thee to us, Asclepios, that thou mayst assist at a divine discourse, and one which will be the most truly religious of all we have as yet held, or with which we have been inspired from on high. In understanding it thou wilt be in possession of all blessings,--if so be indeed there are several, and if it be not more correct to say there is but one blessing which comprises all. For each one of them is bound to another; all are derived from one and make but one, so that their mutual bonds make separation impossible. This is what thou wilt understand by paying attention to that which we are about to say. Bur first, Asclepios, go away for a little while and look for another hearer for our discourse."

Continues on link bellow...

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