sábado, abril 19, 2014

The Book of the GOETIA of Solomon the King




the whole





Páginas: 98

Enochian Temples: Generating the "Abyss" Experience with the Temple

by Benjamin Rowe © 1987, 1992

WARNING: The technique described herein can be VERY DANGEROUS to the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of the magician who makes use of it. I am releasing it solely because full disclosure was one of the requirements under which the Enochian Temple system was originally given to me. The entities who provided the basic information feel that people can not grow to spiritual adulthood without being exposed to adult hazards. My experience of the results prevents me from being quite so
cold-blooded. The same goals can be accomplished by more gradual means, as those entities have stated themselves. The magician who choses to use this technique must take full personal responsibility for both the decision to do so, and for any events resulting from its use. Should a magician want use it despite this warning, he or she should do so only after constructing a strong, fully charged Temple which includes the altars of the sub-elements. And any invocations using this technique should be immediately preceded by the erection of the strongest wards the magician is capable of constructing.

sexta-feira, abril 18, 2014

Maskim Hul Babylonian Magick


This grimoire is dedicated to the seven malevolent Phantoms of the flames, the Seven Mas kim who are Ilu Limnu, Gods who embody rebellion and chaos. May the words within stir them continually from their abode in the heavens and dark earth, by the sea and the realm of the dead. Arise
Seven Spirits of the Deep Earth, whose voices resound in the heights. Thou who disturb order, begetting chaos find rule again. Thou malevolent gods, phantoms of the vast heavens, come thou forth to ignite our souls, our minds with the Black Flame.

By Michael W. Ford
Ano: 2010
Páginas: 456

quinta-feira, abril 17, 2014

About the Church of Lucifer

The Church of Lucifer has been in existence for over 20 years, and has been known by other names. The COL was founded by Rev. Robert Stills, 22nd American Generation of our tradition, whom ran the COL under the names of Order of the Archon, Temple of Shaitan and many others. It was then, when Rev. Frederick Nagash was studying under Rev. Stills. Later, Rev. Stills died of cancer, and had made Rev. Frederick Nagash, ordained 28th American Generation the High Priest of the Church of Lucifer. A few years later (1996), the Church of Lucifer was introduced to the internet. Rev. Frederick Nagash was ordained only a short time before he took over the COL. Rev. Frederick Nagash, trained by Rev. Robert Stills, has studied and mastered all forms
of magick. These include, but are not limited to, Enochian Magick, Luciferic Magick, Goetia, Hermetic, Necromantic, Chaos, Kabbalah and many other forms, too numerous to name here. In 1997, Rev. Frederick Nagash had found another apprentice to teach our traditional ways. That is when Rev. Satrinah Nagash had become his apprentice. Rev. Satrinah Nagash's studies prior to Rev. Frederick Nagash's training include: Tarot, Satanic Witchcraft, Herbal and Mineral Studies, Babylonian/Sumerian studies and Modern Satanism. She had decided that modern satanism was not the way to go and had talked to Rev. Frederick Nagash on several occasions through e-mail. That is when she took tutelage from Rev. Frederick Nagash. After six months, they were married and her intensive training had begun in all forms of magick. Currently, Rev. Satrinah Nagash is the 29th American Generation of our Tradition and is the High Priestess of the Church of Lucifer.
Though always interested in discovering hidden things, Rev. Xul first became actively interested in the occult at the age of 14. First exploring the LaVeyan branch of Modern Satanism, then moving on to more traditional forms such as Voodoun, folklore, and Shamanism, Maskim developed a firm foundation for his occult studies. At the age of 18, he discovered a section of the Left-Hand Path known as Luciferianism. The philosophical tenets were already in line with his own, and the spiritual aspect was very appealing. Maskim applied for membership in the Church of Lucifer and made his way up. On top of the Satanism and Luciferian studies, Maskim has also done extensive research

and ritual practice in the Sumerian, Norse, and Vampiric fields of the Left-Hand Path. Currently, the Church of Lucifer is run by the Order of the Quadragram. The Order of the Quadragram is a group of people, 3 women and 2 men, whom have a background in every facet of the Left Hand Path. All administrative duties are carried out by the Order of the Quadragam.

Abhidhamma Studies - Researches in Buddhist Psychology

By Nyanaponika Thera
Ano: 1949
Páginas: 198

quarta-feira, abril 16, 2014

The Mystical & Magical System of the A.'.A.'.

Love is the Law, love under Will.

The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley & George Cecil Jones Step-by-Step

By James A. Eshelman
Páginas: 300
Ano: 2000

Liber DCCCXI Energized Enthusiasm - A Note on Theurgy


I A O the supreme One of the Gnostics, the true God, is the Lord of this work. Let us therefore invoke Him by that name which the Companions of the Royal Arch blaspheme to aid us in the essay to declare the means which He has bestowed upon us!


The divine consciousness which is reflected and refracted in the works of Genius feeds upon a certain secretion, as I believe. This secretion is analogous to semen, but not identical with it. There are but few men and fewer women, those women being inevitably androgyne, who possess it at any time in any quantity.

So closely is this secretion connected with the sexual economy that it appears to me at times as if it might be a by-product of that process which generates semen. That some form of this doctrine has been generally accepted is shown in the prohibitions of all religions. Sanctity has been assumed to depend on chastity, and chastity has nearly always been interpreted as abstinence. But I doubt whether the relation is so simple as this would imply; for example, I find in myself that manifestations of mental creative force always concur with some abnormal condition of the physical powers of generation. But it is not the case that long periods of chastity, on the one hand, or excess of orgies, on the other, are favourable to its manifestation, or even to its formation.

A.'. A.'.
Páginas: 16

A Note on Genesis From the Paper Written

By The 

V.H. FRA. I.A. 5 = 6 

A.·. A.·. Publication in Class C. 

Issued by Order: 



7° = 4 Square 



6° = 5 Square 



5° = 6 Square 



The following Essay is one of the most remarkable studies in the Hebrew Qabalah known to me. Its venerable author was an adept familiar with many systems of symbolism, and able to harmonise them for himself, even as now is accomplished for all men in the Book "777". In the year 1899 he was graciously pleased to receive me as his pupil, and, living in his house, I studied daily under his guidance the Holy Qabalah. Upon his withdrawal --- whether to enjoy his Earned Reward, or to perform the Work of the Brotherhood in other lands or planets matters nothing here --- he bequeathed to me a beautiful Garden, the like of which hath rarely been seen upon Earth. It has been my pious duty to collate and comment upon this arcane knowledge, long treasured in my heart, watered alike by my tears and my blood, and sunned by that all-glorious Ray that multiplieth itself into an Orb ineffable. In this Garden no flower was fairer than this exquisite discourse; I beg my readers to pluck it and lay it in their hearts. It should be studied in connection with the Book "777," and with the Sepher Sephiroth, a magical dictionary of pure {165} number which was begun by the author of this essay, carried on by myself,  and now about to be published as soon as the MS. can be prepared.

Continues on link Bellow

The Law of Psychic Phenomena

By: Thomson Jay Hudson, Ph.D., LL.D.
Ano: 1904
Páginas: 424

A Word to the Wise

By Frater FP


A Witch Alone

By Marian Green
Ano: 1995
Páginas: 139


"The fact is that the instincts of ignorant people invariably
find expression in some form of witchcraft. It matters little
what the metaphysician or the moralist may inculcate; the animal
sticks to his subconscious ideas..."

 Aleister Crowley

 The Confessions

By Allen Greenfield

A Tree in a Forest

A collection of Ajahn Chah's Similes
Páginas: 118
Ano: 1994

A Treatise on Initiations: or, Asclepios

Translation by Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland


Hermes (Trismegistus explains):

"It is a God who hath brought thee to us, Asclepios, that thou mayst assist at a divine discourse, and one which will be the most truly religious of all we have as yet held, or with which we have been inspired from on high. In understanding it thou wilt be in possession of all blessings,--if so be indeed there are several, and if it be not more correct to say there is but one blessing which comprises all. For each one of them is bound to another; all are derived from one and make but one, so that their mutual bonds make separation impossible. This is what thou wilt understand by paying attention to that which we are about to say. Bur first, Asclepios, go away for a little while and look for another hearer for our discourse."

Continues on link bellow...

Páginas: 23

A Translation of a Zosimos' Text in an Arabic Alchemy Book

The American University, Department of Chemistry, Washington D.C. 20016  Received February 13, 1996


In a recent paper (El Khadem 1995). it was reported that an Arabic translation of a Greek  text by Zosimos was found in a copy of a book entitled "Keys of Mercy and Secrets of  Wisdom," written by the twelveth century alchemist Al-Tughra'i. Reported here is a description of this rare book, which has recently been added to the Library of Congress' Near East Section collection.

A Tract of Great Price

A Tract Of Great Price
Concerning The Philosophical Stone.
Published By A German Sage In The Year 1423,
Under The Following Title:
The True Teaching Of Philosophy
Concerning The Generation Of Metals
And Their True Origin.
A Tract Of Great Price

Concerning The Philosophical Stone.

Páginas: 5

A Threefold Alchemical Journey Through the Book of Lambspring

A clue to this is given in the title page illustration which shows a threefold furnace,  and this is hinted at further by the fact that Emblems 1-5, and 6-10 have short epigrams  placed under each emblem, while the sequence 11-15 does not have this feature. Once we look at the emblems in this way distinct patterns can be seen. The first layer of five emblems deal with the different facets of polarities in our inner world.

By Adam McLean
Páginas: 18

A Theory of Human Motivation

     Originally Published in Psychological Review, 50, 370-396. 

By H. Maslow
Páginas: 21

A Textbook of Theosophy

“There is a school of philosophy still in existence of which modern culture has lost sight.” In these words Mr. A.P. Sinnett began his book, The Occult World, the first popular exposition of Theosophy, published thirty years ago. [Namely in 1881.] During the years that have passed since then, many thousands have learned wisdom in that school, yet to the majority its teachings are still unknown, and they can give only the vaguest of replies to the query, “What is Theosophy?”

By C.W. Leadbeater
Páginas: 79

Ano: 1912

terça-feira, abril 15, 2014

A Taste of Freedom

“…That which “looks over” the various factors which
arise in meditation is ‘sati’, mindfulness. Sati is life.
Whenever we don’t have sati, when we are heedless, it’s
as if we are dead…. This sati is simply presence of mind.
It’s cause for the arising of self-awareness and
wisdom…. Even when we are no longer in samàdhi, sati
should be present throughout….”

By Venerable Ajahn Chah (Phra Bodhinyana Thera)
Ano: 1991
Páginas: 104


By Dame Gabby

The modern tarot is a deck of 78 cards consisting of 2 types of cards: the 22 cards of the "Major Arcana" or "Trumps which are named (such as the Lovers, Death and Judgement), and the "Minor Arcana" or "suit cards" (four suits of fourteen cards, each comprised of cards numbered from one to ten, and four 'court' cards) which roughly correspond to a modern deck of playing cards. This structure is a derivation of the Venetian or Piedmontese Tarot, but early decks were of several types with varying numbers of cards. Examples of early European decks related to the Tarot include:

Continues on link Bellow

A System of Caucasian Yoga

By Count Stefan Colonna Walewski



by D.W. Owens

Representation Of Ananasi

ANANASI (Various tribes) The spider. A trickster. A creator god. Something of a scoundrel, but quite well liked. Many amusing and fanciful stories are told of him.

ANYIEWO (Ewe) The Great Serpent who comes out to graze after the rain. The rainbow is his reflection.


This ia a simple discourse on some of the major facets of the Cabala.
It is also spelled as Kabbalah and Qabalah.


Kabbalah: From the Hebrew word QBL meaning 'an oral tradition', the
esoteric and mystical division of Judaism. The Kabbalah presents a
symbolic explanation of the origin of the universe, the relationship
of human beings to the Godhead, and an emanationist approach to
creation whereby the Infinite Light (AIN SOPH AUR) manifests
through different SEPHIROTH on the TREE OF LIFE. Although the central
book of the Kabbalah, the ZOHAR, was not written down until around
1280 -- probably by MOSES de LEON -- the Kabbalah has spiritual links
with GNOSTICISM and other early mystical cosmologies.
In the Kabbalah, all manifestations are said to have their origin
in the AIN SOPH AUR and the successive emanations of the Godhead reveal
aspects of his divine nature. The system is thus monotheistic in
essence, but allows for the tenfold structure of the sephiroth
upon the tree of life. The emanations as they proceed down from the
Godhead to the manifested world, are:

A Short Enquiry concerning the Hermetic Art

By a lover of Philalethes. London 1714.

This Art, of bringing all Imperfect Metals to Perfection, hath been asserted for Truth, by Men of almost every Degree, in most Ages of the World; many of whose Books are extant.

They have declared, that they have made and possessed this great Treasure, which not only brings all Imperfect Metals to the Perfection of Sol and Luna (according to the Quality of the Medicine), but healeth all manner of Diseases in Human Bodies, even renewing Youth and prolonging Life. Those Authors, from Age to Age, have justified one another's Testimony; alledging, as a farther Proof of the Art, that all that have understood it, have written most agreeingly of it, though contemporary, and unknown to one another in Person, or by Writing.

Continues on link Bellow...
Pages: 17

A Short Course in Scrying

This paper was written in response to requests by participants of the
“enochian-l” and “Praxis” internet discussion groups; it first appeared as a series of posts on those groups in early 1997. The current version has been slightly rewritten to enhance the clarity of the presentation, and to include a small amount of additional material.
The techniques described herein are adaptations of techniques I learned from two sources. The first of these is Mr. Brian D., who taught me the basic method many years ago. The second is Mr. Paul Solomon and his group, the Fellowship of the Inner Light, who had transformed that method into the foundation of their system of spiritual work.
Special thanks also to the “secret chiefs” of the Fellowship, for their direct
and effective contribution to my work at a critical point. Some debts can never be repaid; the best that can be done is to pass on what was given.

Autor: Benjamin Rowe
Ano: 1997, 1998
Páginas: 38

A Scientific Demontration of The Future Life

Autor: Thomson Jay Hudson
Ano: 1895
Páginas: 334

EIRA A satanic Guide to Future Magick

This present volume has been compiled fromom the most recent writings of a member of the Order of Nine Angles. It serves as a pointer towards the future -of Magick, and of Western evolution.
The author is well aware that written works such as this are merely shadows of what cannot, at present, be adequately expressed. And yet, via these writings the real motives of Satanists in the world may begin to be discerned.
Perhaps then another nameless insight will be presenced, and one more nexion shall start its slow opening.

ONA Venn Community, Shropshire 1998eh

Páginas: 14

A Road to Self-knowledge

 It is the endeavour of this treatise to convey spiritual-scientific knowledge concerning the being of man. The method of representation is arranged in such a way that the reader may grow into what is depicted, so that, in the course of reading, it becomes for him a kind of self-conference. If this soliloquy takes on such a form that there by hither to concealed forces, which can be awakened in every soul, reveal themselves, then the reading leads to a real inner work of the soul; and the latter can see itself gradually urged on to that soul-journeying, which truly advances towards the beholding of the spiritual world. What has to be imparted, therefore, has been given in the form of eight Meditations, which can be actually practised. If this is done, they can be adapted for imparting to the soul, through its own inner deepening, that about which they speak.
It has been my aim on the one hand, to give something to those readers who have already made themselves conversant with the literature dealing with the domain of the supersensible, as it is here understood. Thus through the style of the description, through the communication directly connecting with the soul's experience, perhaps those who have knowledge of supersensible life will here find something that may appear of importance to them. On the other hand, many a one can find that just through this method of representation profit may be gained by those who yet stand far distant from the achievements of Spiritual Science.
 Although this work is intended as an amplification of my other writings in the domain of Spiritual Science, it should nevertheless be possible to read it independently.
It has been my endeavour in my books, Theosophy and Occult Science, to represent the things as they show themselves to observation, when it ascends to the Spiritual. In these works the method of representation is descriptive and its direction prescribed by conformity to the law manifesting out of the things themselves. In this, A Road to Self-Knowledge, the method of representation is different.
 Herein is stated that which can be experienced by a soul which sets out on the path to the Spirit in a certain manner. The treatise may therefore be regarded as an account of experiences of the soul; only it must be taken into consideration that the experiences which can be gained in such a way as is here described, must assume an individual form in each soul according to its own peculiarity. It has been my endeavour to do justice to this fact, so that one can also imagine that what is depicted here has been actually lived through by an individual soul, exactly as represented. The title of this treatise is, therefore, A Road to Self-knowledge. On that account it may serve the purpose of assisting other souls to live into this portrayal and attain to corresponding goals, and is an amplification of my book, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment.
Only isolated fundamental experiences of a spiritual scientific nature are represented. The giving of information in this manner of the further spheres of "Spiritual Science" is suspended for the present.

Rudolf Steiner.


Ano: 1918
Páginas: 41


"Magic has power to experience and fathom things which are inaccessible to human reason. For magic is a great secret wisdom, just as reason is a great public folly."  -Paracelsus


Volume I

Volume II

By Gareth Knight
Ano: 1965
Páginas: 133

A Passover Saga

by Daniel Feldman

Thirteen men and women sat in a circle around the fire, meditating quietly with focused
intent. The pungent smoke of the burning flesh and hair of the goat filled our nostrils. Mixed
emotions stirred within us and a few could still not hold back tears that began to flow when the
goat was slain and the blood collected. Most had never seen an animal slain for any reason, let
alone as a sacrificial offering; many were vegetarians. But an overriding sense of higher purpose
and appropriateness held everyone steadfast to the events at hand, and we were ready to do what
needed to be done.

Páginas: 25

Continues on link Bellow...

A Paramhansa Yogananda Trilogy of Divine Love

"All too often we praise dead saints and persecute living ones."– Author unknown

Sri Durga Mata has given over 65 years of her life in loving service and obedience to her Guru. It
is with humbleness and gratitude, we her children are taking this opportunity, on the 100th anniversary 
of Paramhansa Yoganandaji's birth, to introduce her book to disciples everywhere. We sincerely hope 
you the reader will receive inspiration, guidance, and a large measure of the spiritual joy we received in 
printing it. The following is a spiritual journey with Durga Ma, her Guru, and his chief disciple, Rajasi 
Durga Mas life did not end when Master and Rajasi left this world, though she thought it would. 
Instead, her life took a new turn and over the next 35 years she became mother, counselor, friend, 
psychologist, and confidante, for Masters many disciples. For many years her phone was busy night 
and day, for those who needed physical, mental, and spiritual guidance. She has never turned away a 
sincere appeal for help, regardless of the persons race, religion, or gender. Her love is always there, her 
forgiveness is always there, all we have to do is ask. She would often say, "It doesn't matter how many 
times you fall, as long as you pick yourself up and start again."
Ma would say, "He always sends me the ones with the strong will, the rebels, the ones no one else 
can do anything with." I too was one of those rebels, whom Ma has, after many years, managed to 
Besides personal and group counseling, Ma became a master at many different art forms.
She used with great dexterity, watercolor, oil, and acrylics, which she liked the best. Over the years, 
she has composed and written many chants. A few appear in this book. She has sculpted beautiful 
statues of our Masters, of Rajasi (which Marjorie BenVau now has), of Master, and of the Beloved 
Mother, Sri Ananda Moyi Ma. Mas writings are unparalleled in their beauty and heartfelt devotion to 
Ma never liked to sew, it was tedious and time consuming, she felt, but she taught herself, and 
became a master tailor and seamstress.
No can hold a candle to Ma's cooking. She can take the blandest food, and with a little touch here, 
and a little touch there (her French touch), turn it into a gourmet's delight.
Now, at the end of the eleventh hour, when her life is fading, a child here cries once more, for the 
tender, loving arms of its mother to embrace and protect, to succor and love it as of old. She has 
promised that she, with Master, will always be there for us. All we have to do is call, "Ma, Ma," and she 
will be there to help us, to soothe us, sometimes to discipline and scold, and to lead us back home.
I love you, my Ma, now and forever more. Thou art mine, I am Thine.

– Joan Wight
Los Angeles
December 17,1992

A Pali Word a Day - A Selection of Pali Words for Daily Reflection

The Gift of Truth excels all other Gifts

 This booklet aims to assist new Buddhist students who are
 unfamiliar with some of the Pali words often used in the
study of Buddhism.
 As the title of the booklet suggests, we encourage the
learning and use of Pali words by learning one word each
day. The booklet can serve as both a dictionary and a glos-
sary of terms for your reference.
 We selected these basic Pali words as a foudation for a
deeper understanding of the Buddha-Dhamma - Further
study and research into the Pali Ti-Pitaka is strongly rec-
 May this booklet enhace your studies and promote your
progress upon the path of our Master-the Buddha.

By Mahindarama Sunday Pali School
Páginas: 39

segunda-feira, abril 14, 2014

A New Perspective on Alchemy


As a foundation stone for Athanor, the ICOM degree studying and practising Alchemy, I decided to
spend a year collecting basic elements and materials, and meditating on their Alchemical properties
and uses. As a result, six months into this work, I have come to a new perspective on Alchemy that I
would like to share with ICOM members. It answers the questions I have often been asked, such as
“What is Alchemy,” and “What exactly does an Alchemist do.”
What is Alchemy?
The word derives from the Greek, meaning “the alloying of metals,” and it is common knowledge that
the principle aim of its practicioners was to turn lead into gold, or create an elixir bestowing eternal
life. Other writers particularly Jung, delve deeper into the art, noting that the chemical
transformations and strange diagrams of kings in baths and ravens in bedrooms can be taken as
emblems of spiritual transformation or psychological development.
Thus, the twelve stages of turning lead into gold can be seen as an initiatory system describing and
foreshadowing the steps of moving from a mundane life to a mystical one. This is certainly something
that the Athanor degree will be looking at in more detail, with the assistance of the Initiates of the
Labyrinth degree. However, to begin the degree I wanted to look at the building blocks of the
Alchemical system, which are the chemicals and metals themselves. I decided to find a common
Alchemical material each month, and make notes as to its significance, both Alchemical and
mundane, and then at the end of the year perform an Alchemical Mass involving all the twelve
I began with salt, and placed some in a dish by my bed. As the days passed, the salt obviously began to
draw moisture out of the air. As I observed the water collecting in the bowl, I began to think of the
process as a means of bringing out into the open what previously existed in the atmosphere without
any sign. Once this property had been noted, I not only began to observe areas in my life where a
similar drawing out was taking place, but more dramatic events of this nature unfolded, culminating
in a significant change to my life. Once the month was over, I placed the resultant saltwater in a testtube
and moved onto another basic element, sand.
It was during my work with sand that I began to see another view of Alchemy. I had spent the month
looking for some sand in my daily life, to place in a bowl - as I had done with the salt. My first
opportunity came when I was told I should get some sand and grit to put around a new plant Soror
Brina wanted to put in the garden. I was also told where to find a discarded bag of sand near a
building site. Unfortunately, this first search revealed nothing. A week later, I was at a garage, filling
the car with deisal, when I noticed a bucket of sand, obviously used to cover up fuel spills on the
forecourt. I began thinking that it seemed odd that a material here could also be used for something
entirely different - there is little connection between covering up slippery petrol and planting roses.
This thought progressed to the question of “why did I want sand at this moment, and not something
else?” Obviously, I wanted sand for the garden. Again, “Why?” And again, so the garden looks nice.
“Why?” So that I can sit in it and enjoy it. “Why?” And so forth. As the thought cascaded, I began to
realise that all of us, all of the time, are collecting and redistributing various materials through the
process of our lives in order to fulfil our ambitions. This is what Alchemy is.
What does an Alchemist Do?
Given that we are all practising our own alchemy, what makes a good Alchemist? Quite simply, if you
want to be a good Alchemist, you need to apply a consistent and comprehensive perspective to your
work with the materials in your environment. That is to say, you need to ensure that everything you
are working with is contributing to your aims, and nothing is distracting you or providing an obstacle
to those aims. This is basically purification and consecration in the esoteric systems; the removal of all
things not required for the magical act, and the active dedication of what remains to the aim in mind.
Then, like building blocks, you need to ensure that all the materials together work together, or at least,
work in a sequence, and will produce the aims you have in mind. Hence, consistent and
Here are some examples of the compounds of this perspective of alchemy;
· A career or choice of (un)employment.
· A relationship
· A home
· A family
· A religion
Here are some examples of the elements from this viewpoint;
· Yourself
· Money
· Time
· A Book
· Food
· An Emotion
And finally, some of the Alchemical transformations undertook in this manner;
· Turning Time into Food (i.e., spending three days working for money which is exchanged for food)
· Adding Yourself, Someone Else, and Food to create a Relationship (going out for a meal with a
· Turning jealousy into a rug (perhaps by acknowledging jealousy as unrecognised desire to
accomplish oneself what someone else has done, in this example, a really excellent rag rug)
There are obviously a great deal many more comparisons to be made once we begin to apply
Alchemical as a link between our aims of transcendence and our lives in the material world. It
becomes all too clear that we often collect elements in our Athanor, or mixing pot, that spoil the
overall mixture so that we have to tip everything out and start again. Experimentation, as always, is
the key, and the maintaining of this perspective throughout the work - what is it I am trying to
achieve, and what materials am I using to achieve it? This is what an Alchemist does.


Ano: 1934
Páginas: 548


By Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Ano: 1930
Páginas: 248

A Mithriac Ritual - Echoes From The Gnosis

Under this general title is now being published
a series of small volumes, drawn from, or based
upon, the mystic, theosophic and gnostic writings
of the ancients, so as to make more easily audible
for the ever-widening circle of those who love such
things, some echoes of the mystic experiences and
initiatory lore of their spiritual ancestry. There
are many who love the life of the spirit, and who
long for the light of gnostic illumination, but who
are not sufficiently equipped to study the writings
of the ancients at first hand, or to follow un
aided the labours of scholars. These little volumes
are therefore intended to serve as introduction
to the study of the more difficult literature of the
subject ; and it is hoped that at the same time
they may become for some, who have, as yet, not
even heard of the Gnosis, stepping-stones to
higher things.

Autor: G.R.S Mead
Ano: 1907
Páginas: 91

A Manual Of Occultism

"Sorcery has been called Magic: but Magic is Wisdom, and there is no wisdom in Sorcery" - Paracelsus

The Volitional Faculty - The Will and Imagination - Adeptship - Astrology - Kabalism - Talismans Numerology - Palmistry - Hypnotism, Etc., Etc

By Sepharial
Páginas: 237